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Kol ha bayit: How to respond to hate and anti-semitism

05/01/2019 12:26:11 PM


President Robert Jobrack

What do we do when we face Anti-Semitism and attacks on Jewish congregations?  How do we as Jewish individuals do ANYTHING to react to this?  Here’s an answer:

Following the rampage Saturday at the Chabad of Poway synagogue near San Diego, Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein, who was shot in both hands in the attack, sent out a plea for Jewish people to pack houses of worship this Friday and Saturday.

In an interview with ABC News, Goldstein said he believes he survived the attack in order to the spread a message of love.

“I say to all Americans, no matter what religion you are, we're here in America because God gave us a country that allows us to have religious freedom," Goldstein said. "God gives us constitutional rights to be here and to be proud Jews and we're not going to let anyone take it away from us. And this is what we're going to take away from this."

"I have encouraged people of Jewish faith, this Friday and Saturday, fill up your synagogues," he said. "Show them that it's not going to deter us. We're not going to give in to terrorism. Terrorism will not win. But peace and love will."

To the members of Beth Sholom Temple and the Jews of Fredericksburg, I invite you to reconsider your week-end plans.   I invite you to attend Shabbat services this week-end.  I invite you to personally show that you will not be deterred.

BST Services are Friday at 7:30 PM and Saturday at 10:00 AM.

Sat, May 18 2024 10 Iyar 5784