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Kol Ha bayit: adult education with isjl

02/04/2019 11:39:49 AM


President Robert Jobrack

Adult Education with the ISJL

Visiting Rabbi Aaron Rozovsky offered an adult education talk on Jews and Slavery in the sanctuary on January 27. Rabbi Rozovsky is the Director of Rabbinical Services at the Institute of Southern Jewish Life in Jackson, Mississippi.

Starting with Torah, Rabbi Rosovsky provided an overview of the Jewish people as slaves and slave owners. He reminded listeners that we shouldn’t shy away from these parts of Torah: even though they are uncomfortable, they offer wisdom on justice and mercy considering the context of the times they were written.

He went on to discuss the Jewish relationship with slavery in ancient Israel and during the diaspora. He addressed head-on the allegations that Jews were fundamentally responsible for the slave trade in America.

Using facts and citing sources without dodging painful truths, Rabbi Rosovsky noted that Jews owned slaves and participated in the slave trade, but in a far lesser proportion than the rest of the American population.    

During the discussion that followed, members and Rabbi Rosovsky related personal experiences with these and other misconceptions that resulted from prejudice or ignorance.  The rabbi offered insight into methods to address falsehoods about Jews and slavery and ways to improve discourse without denying painful truths about our history.

*Pictured: Rabbi Rozovsky addresses members of the congregation on Jan. 27. Photo by Robert Jobrack.









30 January 2019



I want to thank all of you at Beth Sholom Temple so much for a wonderful visit last weekend.  I had a great time!  It was an honor and a privilege to serve you and I look forward to many more visits to Fredericksburg, VA.


If I have not had a chance to meet you, I look forward to doing so in the future. If you need anything in the meantime, please feel free to reach out.


Sending you my very best!


Rabbi Aaron Rozovsky – Director of Rabbinical Services

Goldring/Woldenberg Institute of Southern Jewish Life



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