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Remarks by Our President

Thank you all for coming tonight to remember the victims of Eitz Chayim ---the Tree of Life -- Synagogue.

Thank you, Rabbi, for leading us in a beautiful service.

Thank you to all of those who worked to organize tonight’s vigil.  In particular, Margaret Rice and Jim Swanson.

Thank you to all the clergy from the many faiths represented here and who participated.

Thank you to our political leaders and...

Thoughts from a Member

"Notices of Vigils in Virginia Received"

Deborah S. Snyder

I. Online in my In-Box I scroll down click on the vigils scheduled this week.

For some reason I'm having difficulty, even framing the question I need to ask.

Then ask: no longer so worried about, what others may think. My question is this:

Is it customary for our Temple (as a congregation)...

Wed, November 13 2024 12 Cheshvan 5785