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The High Holy Days Food Drive

11/01/2020 11:08:07 PM


Robert Jobrack

Thank you to all those contributed to our High Holy Days food drive.

Between the event held on September 13 when members picked up their prayer books, and October 4 when they returned them, we collected 969 pounds of food and $250.  When Sabina Weitzman delivered the donations the folks running the food bank told her that shelves are empty and they really needed the...Read more...

How Jews Should Choose in 2020

10/10/2020 10:54:39 PM


Robert Jobrack

No matter where you stand politically, I think we can agree that this election has the potential to inflame emotions to a greater degree than in previous years.   We are a politically diverse congregation living in a politically divided community in a politically divided country.  This creates conditions that can lead to arguments, ruptured friendships and...Read more...

Kol Ha Bayit: BST & BLM - A Personal Opinion

06/08/2020 11:07:14 PM


Robert Jobrack

What is our congregation’s position on Black Lives Matter, the protests, the civil unrest,  and the politics surrounding it all? 

If you want the Union of Reform Judaism’s official statement, you can read it here:

One key sentence from that position: “Our country simply cannot achieve the...Read more...

Kol Ha Bayit: Shabbat Shalom During COVID-19

04/03/2020 05:17:33 PM


Rabbi Jennifer Weiner

Rabbi Jennifer Weiner is providing weekly messages to the congregation during this pandemic - you can receive them via a weekly email, or check them out here as archived. Questions or trouble accessing the posts? Contact the office!

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9


Kol Ha Bayit: Online Streaming

03/18/2020 09:50:41 PM


Tiina Rodrigue

Please click the below snapshot of this communication to

view and download the entire document.


Kol Ha Bayit: BST Health & Safety

03/10/2020 04:39:49 PM


Tiina K. O. Rodrigue

Kol Ha Bayit: Everyday fundraising is easier than you think- shop with scrip

08/13/2019 04:29:18 PM


Treasurer Ellen Grady


Let me pose some questions to you: do you shop through Amazon? Do you get gas or coffee at Wawa or Sheetz when your tank is low, or buy groceries at Giant or Weis? Do you prefer Walmart for some things and Target for others? Do you shop for clothes at Old Navy, or Kohl’s? Do you shop at stores like Lowe’s for all your home DIY projects, or go out to eat in Central Park with your family, or go to the movies with friends? Do...Read more...

Kol Ha Bayit: A Final Word from president jobrack

07/31/2019 01:33:52 PM


Robert Jobrack


I’ll begin with the end:

Thank you for the support you’ve given me as President of the Board the past two years Please extend ---or,  better yet, amplify --- this support for our new President, Tiina Rodrigue

I’ve served as President before and both times I’ve always felt that everyone in the congregation was rooting for me.  That’s a great feeling:  to know that while we may disagree or...Read more...

Kol Ha Bayit: Responding personally to anti-semitism

06/18/2019 12:26:50 PM


Olivia Dolgin, with Margaret Rice

Encountering Anti-Semitism is something many Jewish people are familiar with and it cannot be ignored. Speaking up when someone presents you or others with false information, or baseless attacks on your faith or Israel, should be something everyone can find the courage to do and knowing how to refute claims and draw strength from your faith is a necessary tool in any disagreement or...Read more...

Kol ha bayit: How to respond to hate and anti-semitism

05/01/2019 12:26:11 PM


President Robert Jobrack

What do we do when we face Anti-Semitism and attacks on Jewish congregations?  How do we as Jewish individuals do ANYTHING to react to this?  Here’s an answer:

Following the rampage Saturday at the Chabad of Poway synagogue near San Diego, Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein, who was shot in both hands in the attack, sent out a plea for Jewish people to pack houses of worship this Friday and Saturday.


Kol ha bayit: leadership and voices

03/11/2019 02:30:38 PM


President Robert Jobrack

Beth Sholom Temple has been around for over 80 years, and a lot of people have served on our Board of Directors. Almost all of them lacked the time, the experience, and the specific knowledge to feel entirely confident in this role, but all did it.

I know: as you read this you are thinking “There is no way I’ll ever serve on the board of directors.” In case you are having trouble articulating your reasons, here are four you can...Read more...

Kol Ha bayit: smile with bst & amazon!

02/19/2019 12:26:03 PM


Treasurer Ellen Grady

Using Amazon Smile Reaps Benefits for BST!

In 2017 and 2018, members who made Amazon purchases using AmazonSmile raised just $232.76.  

Imagine how much more we'd earn if every BST member signed up for AmazonSmile! It's an...Read more...

kol ha bayit: scouting at BST

02/06/2019 11:27:48 AM


Scouting Digest Author, with Lay Leader Mike Haas

Longtime Scout & Member of BST Honored with Write-Up in Scouting Digest

Dick Haas (affectionately known as “The Ancient One” or “TAO” to many throughout NCAC) and his son Mike have over 132 years of continuous BSA Scouting...Read more...

Kol ha bayit: purim festivities with vybs

02/05/2019 12:45:37 PM



For around 15 years, the VYBS youth group has been serving as the organizers and the leaders of the annual Purim Carnival at Beth Shalom Temple. Here are some questions answered by those who are in the youth group who have helped in previous...Read more...

Kol Ha bayit: adult education with isjl

02/04/2019 11:39:49 AM


President Robert Jobrack

Adult Education with the ISJL

Visiting Rabbi Aaron Rozovsky offered an adult education talk on Jews and Slavery in the sanctuary on January 27. Rabbi Rozovsky is the Director of Rabbinical Services at the Institute of Southern Jewish Life in Jackson, Mississippi.

Starting with Torah, Rabbi Rosovsky provided an overview of the Jewish people as slaves and slave owners. He reminded listeners that we...Read more...

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784